Chrysalis Angel
![Chrysalis Angel](
Becoming an Angel is the work of humans.
Chrysalis' year begins the first Sunday after Labor Day in September. Services are held each Sunday at 10AM to 12 Noon. There will be no services held during August 2014. First meeting in the fall will be September 7, 2014.
Sunday Services from 10 am to 11:30 am each week
805 Mercer's Fernery Road
DeLand, FL (the white 2 story farm house)
Pastor - Skuli Thorhallsson
For more information or counseling phone (386) 478-9201
Chrysalis Spiritual Center is a Swedenborg based congregation that studies non-denominational topics based on the value of certain writings and speech to society as a whole. Services are frequently presented by guest speakers. No denomination is excluded from meeting with us. We welcome all religions, ages, genders and beliefs.
Friday, March 8, 2013
A Quote from Urantia
(1572.6) 140:4.6 Strong characters are not derived from not
doing wrong but rather from actually doing right. Unselfishness is the
badge of human greatness. The highest levels of self-realization are
attained by worship and service. The happy and effective person is
motivated, not by fear of wrongdoing, but by love of right doing.
Monday, March 4, 2013
A List of Provocative Websites to Investigate
The website for the TV series Closer To Truth with discussions from various experts in the different thought of the description of God . Cosmos . Consciousness. is part of their repertoire.
This is a comprehensive site with hundreds of short and long videos and television programs developed by Robert Lawrence Kuhn, who is the interviewer. Photography and graphics are superior and opinions vary enough so as not to present a focus on position concerning the subject matter.
The interviews and subjects cover mostly unanswerable questions about God and all of creation, including, time, nothingness, and man's place in the grand scheme.
"Can Religion Be Explained Without God?
Most people believe that God exists and religion is God's revelation. But some claim that religion needs nothing supernatural; that religion, without God, can flourish because personal psychology and group sociology drive religion."
I really liked it. The interviews are slow-paced but thorough to give you time to mentally digest.
Rob Brezsney's astrology website and the gateway to Pronoia the Antidote to Paranoia. Most of you are familiar with Rob's irreverent disregard of established lines of religion and his never-ending quest for Truth and Beauty.
Rob has so much to offer. It would be a shame to ignore his insight into the unseen miracles of life on all planes.
OK, I tried to download the e-book Urantia to my reader and experienced an error. Later I realized my connection to the Internet is somewhat unstable so I don't blame the Urantians. However: the book contains 4,700 plus pages and covers subjects that you and I have probably never imagined existed.
The book is supposed to have been written by spiritual beings who rule not only this universe, but ALL universes and the life they support. Much of the book is dedicated to Jesus Christ and provides remarks and events in his life not found in the Christian Bible.
Minute detail is given to descriptions of the races of people (not the races we recognize), the governing bodies of the planets in all universes (the multi verse), the original plan for the development of life on Earth (Urantia), and the explanation of some of the multitude of myths about Adam and Eve, The Gods, Satan, Knowledge and more.
Challenging to read, but transforming.
"Brain and brain! What is brain?" The quote uttered by the IQ-challenged female leader of a forbidden planet from the original Star Trek. After stealing Spock's brain to hook up to a central nervous system that runs their underground empire.
This is the same question asked by the Lumosity website -- except they have a lot of it figured out. The site is dedicated to expanding and stretching the properties of the human brain to bring it to the highest point of usefulness achievable. Accomplished by graphic videos, surveys, diagnostics, planned lessons, studies and practices. A lot of of this is eye-brain cooperation and improvements in memory, acuity, inventiveness, problem solving, relaxation, comprehension and IQ are possible.
I particularly like the "square eater" a free downloaded mini program of about 8 animated exercises during which you are not required to think at all. Just watch and let the magic begin. I started hearing crackling sounds, some optical illusions, and felt a bit 2 dimensional at times. If you have any seizure problems you are warned NOT to use these exercises. I have bouts of vertigo, but have not been bothered by the animations. I have them on my tablet and use at least one of them about 3 to 4 times a week.
It's kinda fun!
Another path to the inevitable that leads to more questions. A well designed site that is very comprehensive. It covers the subjects "Discover yourself, Inspire others, Engage the word" Their 15th International Conference is July 17-21 2013. They have a Facebook Page (look up IONS), and concentrate on forms of meditation to help get us all through the bumps and twists of normal life in a more conscious way.
The Institute of Noetic Sciences was founded
in 1973 by Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell. To learn more about their
history and work, go here. book is available for Kindle. Small cost for big info. I don't know how to describe this book. It is a collection of mystical myths and probabilities that could change all existence. The Summum publishers believe that the law of attraction will draw the readers who are ready for their version of truth.I rather liked it and I like the history of how these texts were created. This organization exists in the US and is pictured in the newly designed website.The truth to YOU will become apparent and you can lose the rest of it, but studying this book gave me a sense of warmth and elation. For one, it was easier to read than Swedenborg or Urantia, for two - I identified with some of the phenomena described in the chapters. Far out, but harmless and can promote a very emotional awakening of sorts. Try it!A lot of study material is available right on the website. Photos of the constructed Pyramid, logos, sacred geometry and more. This work is the vision of one man, much like the Swedenborg papers.What IS Concept-Therapy?
What is Concept-Therapy®? It is a philosophy of life based on the idea that our lives are profoundly influenced by the ideas that are stored in our minds: ideas about life, right and wrong, God and religion, health and disease, self, education, etc.
As we grow up, we are presented with all kinds of ideas—some accurate and some distorted—from people we accept as our authority figures. Right or wrong, we come to accept these ideas, or concepts, as representing the way life really is and we come to see the world in that way. Concept-Therapy is a course of instruction designed to assist you, in a perfectly logical and factual way, to discover and change those concepts which impede your health, happiness, success, and peace of mind.
In the Concept-Therapy course, you will learn ways of improving your life by working with your own concepts, for you can change your thinking patterns and thereby change your life for the better. Concept-Therapy explains the part that concepts play and how we can use this knowledge to our advantage.
If you have begun wondering whether you have to believe everything you have been told, if you have begun to check what you have been told with what reason tells you, or if you have started looking for clear, straight forward and honest answers to your questions, Concept-Therapy has great knowledge to help you find answers.
Once you begin the Concept-Therapy course of instruction, you will soon realize that you are a soul evolving in consciousness for better or for worse according to the nature of your basic concepts. Examine this information and test its validity in your own life. If this is true—and we can prove that it is—what a secret you have! You now know something many do not know: Our lives are continually becoming better or worse depending upon the nature of the basic concepts we hold in our minds, shaping our lives.
We all had lots of fun with the Inner Klean diet.
This "cult" is harmless to those who use it only for good. My experience with a member who used CT to dominate and manipulate others was extremely negative. As long as ego is kept at bay -- the programs are helpful and inspirational.
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