There is only bad news about Monsanto. It seems that they have taken the path to world domination by owning the entire food supply of earth. The methods they have used are under scrutiny by almost every country in the world ... and yet the UK Parliament gave them license to mix human genetic material with plant material for their most recent adventure in making "plants resistant to RoundUp and other pesticides." GM (genetically modified) seeds, such as those developed and produced by Monsanto are the perfect fodder for scary movies and science fiction, but it is not fiction.
There have been massive crop failures in Africa due to Monsanto seeds and Merrill Lynch has predicted world-wide riots stemming from the scarcity of food and rising food prices.
Vanity Fair published a recent article pulling no punches with criticism of Monsanto. They labeled Monsanto as evil, liars, corporate criminals and worse. Follow this link to read the article.
Why am I mentioning this in our Flitter newsletter? When my purpose and goal is to bring hope and positive thought to everyone? It was a topic of conversation in one of our meetings, and stuck in my head. I am still looking for a spiritual way to view this 800 lb. gorilla. Spiritual law moves in and through all things. There is no escaping the ultimate outcome of man's existence on earth. When weighed in the balance I am sure that unseen forces are working with equal good to counteract the effects of corporations of greed. Replacing the frustration and outrage of this situation with calm hope is a choice we must all make.
Affirmation "I place my faith in God's intention to Love, and my task to love Him in return. All creation is in balance and in its proper time and space. I am safe when I stay on the path to wisdom and oneness with what IS."
This makes Monsanto seem so small and insignificant!
YOU TASTE DELICIOUSYou taste delicious
Animals understand you
Your importance is unusual
The funny faces you make are interesting to look at
You fight for power in all the right ways
Ecstatic gratitude is pouring out of you
I see the best in you
Your divine attitude
You have strong feet and a pioneer heart
No one can overflow as well as you can
You are famous with God
You are famous with me
You are famous with the snakes and birds
and roses and pines
and oceans and earth and sky
A lost tribe salutes you from the other side of the veil
You remind me of a star
In a recent interview with a representative of the Electronic Freedom Foundation facts about preserving your privacy were revealed. In the interview, the revelation that even the page you print on your home printer can be traced by a secret and invisible stamp that the printer places on the back of every page. Although microscopic, it holds much information including a date and the SN of the printer you purchased.
Your camera watermarks every photo you distribute with its own serial number. A "black box" in your car streams information to a centralized location that is retained and used . If necessary, it will be used in legal cases and to determine your driving habits. This includes a GPS chip that locates your car and you.
On the internet you can enter anyone's name and receive enough information to steal that person's identity. Input almost any address and you can get real time video of the activities in that neighborhood. Imagine how invasive this practice is. By now you are thinking that we should be pushing back to stop the installation of these processes, but they are already in place.
That handy cell phone can be hacked by any investigator who wants to record your messages and the chip-locator in it keeps you at the end of a leash, even though you never feel the tug. Your persona cell phone can be tracked by triangulating the relay towers, even if it has no GPS chip. It is constantly reporting your private business to snoopers who can use it as evidence in a legal procedure.
And have you seen the blue lights installed over your regular traffic lights. What do you think they do?
If you make reservations at your favorite restaurant all they need is your name and phone number to access information about your eating and spending habits. Photographic face recognition software is now installed at the entrances of malls and shopping centers that identify you, and alert sales-persons inside as to: your previous purchases in the store, if you have a store credit card, your weight, your health and your hobbies and interests. Are you a mountain climber? A sports department employee will be waiting to sell you enough rope to hang yourself. They even know the average amount of time you spend in the store and in each section.
Objects that you purchase like: knives, duct tape, shovels and tools have electronically scannable tracking information that tells when and where it was purchased. Match that up with cash drawer receipts and credit card debits and you can nail a kidnapper or grave digger.
Google is possibly the largest scavenger of information. They have the ability to hack anybody's passwords, accounts, bill-pay information, PayPal, eBay, credit cards and bank records. Internet searches you make can be used against you in court. Of course, Google is a great source of information for internet researchers, but you should know the risks before you venture forth.
Experion, Axciom, and ChoicePoint. Of these three Axciom is the largest. Axciom keeps a data base of your entire life making it the greatest single source of identity verification and information in the world.
Assisting in the usage of this information are Personix and Verifications, Inc. Personix uses your information to group the United States population into seventy different clusters for use by retail companies. Verifications, Inc. reports your criminal, legal, and work background information to possible employers and others who want to use it.
Don't worry about the government taking over the health industry. They really aren't doing that good on their own. Most medical practices are still storing patient information in manila folders that fill rooms and rooms with rows of storage shelves. One doctor can't have access to your records from another, and there is not a comprehensive file on your health history or treatment available ... in case of an emergency. They need all the help they can get! Just recently a court ordered that doctors may switch record-keeping to an electronic format to save space, time, trees, and lives. Some advances are sorely needed in this field.
Amazing as all this is, we still can't keep track of sexual predators! Makes you wonder what all the information if being used for.
In Spirit everything is free of chaos. All is perfectly balanced in Love and Wisdom. The stress that we endure in this plane of existence is mostly self-induced. By trying to manipulate and extract conditions we find ourselves in constant resistance to peace and order. A prayer or meditation could be used in place of despair or medication.
Knowing that we are all part of one great good, that challenges and wins over all adversity, makes life a joyous adventure. You may learn to look at chaos and stress as opportunities to demonstrate your spiritual power. The truth is -- we are facing a new world of technical advances but we are just the same as before. Still and ever what IS just IS. No better or worse than any time in history the new electronic age is just different. We can make it work for us, or against us.
“Life can be found only in the present moment. The past is gone, the future is not yet here, and if we do not go back to ourselves in the present moment, we cannot be in touch with life.”
"Strength in What Remains A New York Times best seller -- is the story of Deogratias, a young medical student from the central African nation of Burundi. He is followed from his early horrifying experiences in Burundi to his escape to America ...where he slept in Central Park, NY for a time, to his return to Burundi to build a Health Clinic for the people who were in much the same bad situations as he had been. I have not read this book, but was impressed with the presentation by Mr. Kidder that I saw.
The author of this book, Tracy Kidder, was a presenter at the Miami Book Fair on November 14, 2009. He is a Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award winner for his book "Soul of the New Machine." If you want to know more about Tracy Kidder go to
The author of this book, Tracy Kidder, was a presenter at the Miami Book Fair on November 14, 2009. He is a Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award winner for his book "Soul of the New Machine." If you want to know more about Tracy Kidder go to
The Big Bang theory of the origin of our universe was formed by the collective wisdom of science, shamans, myths, observations and declarations since the beginning of man's sentience.
Before science existed people wanted to know origins and were awestruck by the sun, moon, stars, seasons, daylight cycles, nature and time.
Primitive cultures built structures to help measure the universe and connect with the heavens: Stonehenge, Chichen Itza, Easter Island remain shrouded in mystery. The oldest know calendar was devised 2,000 years before Stonehenge. The night sky was used as a clock and earliest cultures used it to begin planting, harvesting, waging war and predicting the birth of a king or leader. In the sixth century astrologers learned how the heavens move.They also sought a more mystical meaning in the heavens and a connection to the Gods;
One recent speaker that I heard is Sean Carrol who has his own theory of the Big Bang. The information below is from his quirky web site
The author of the recent book "From Eternity to Here", Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist at the California Institute of Technology. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1993, and worked at MIT, the Institute for Theoretical Physics at UC Santa Barbara, and the University of Chicago before moving to Caltech. His research involves theoretical physics and astrophysics, focusing on issues in cosmology, field theory, and gravitation. He is the author of Spacetime and Geometry, a graduate-level textbook on general relativity; has produced a set of introductory lectures for The Teaching Company entitled Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Dark Side of the Universe; and blogs regularly at Cosmic Variance. His lives in Los Angeles with his wife, writer Jennifer Ouellette.
The explanation below is quoted directly from his web site.
Why do we remember the past, but not the future? Why don't we meet people who grow younger as they age? Why do things, left by themselves, tend to become messier and more chaotic? What would Maxwell's Demon say to a Boltzmann Brain?
The answers can be traced to the moment of the Big Bang -- or possibly before.
Time pervades our lives -- we keep track of it, lament its loss, put it to good use. The rhythms of our clocks and our bodies let us measure the passage of time, as a ruler lets us measure the distance between two objects. But unlike distances, time has a direction, pointing from past to future. From Eternity to Here examines this arrow of time, which is deeply ingrained in the universe around us. The early universe -- the hot, dense, Big Bang -- was very different from the late universe -- cool, empty, expanding space -- and that difference in felt in all the workings of Nature, from the melting of ice cubes to the evolution of species.
The arrow of time is easy to perceive, much harder to understand. Physicists appeal to the idea of entropy, the disorderliness of a system, which tends to increase according to the celebrated Second Law of Thermodynamics. But why was entropy ever small in the first place? That's a question that has been tackled by thinkers such as Ludwig Boltzmann, Stephen Hawking, Richard Feynman, Roger Penrose, and Alan Guth, all the way back to Lucretius in ancient Rome. But the answer remains elusive.
The only way to understand the origin of entropy is to understand the origin of the universe -- by asking what happened at the Big Bang, and even before. From Eternity to Here discusses how entropy relates to black holes, cosmology, information theory, and the existence of life. The book tells a story that starts in the kitchen, where we can turn eggs into omelets but never the other way around, and takes us to the edges of the universe. Modern discoveries in cosmology -- dark energy and the accelerating universe -- and quantum gravity -- the possibility of time before the Big Bang -- come together to suggest a picture of a multiverse in which the arrow of time emerges naturally from the laws of physics.
The book was published in hardcover on January 7, 2010. You can order from any major bookseller. There are at least two videos on the "preposterous" web site. His lecture on the new book was seen on CNN. Perhaps they have a schedule to play it again. Verrry Interesting!
The amount of time it takes you to get from where you are to where you want to be, is only the amount of time it takes you to change the vibration within you. Instant manifestation could be yours if you could instantly change the vibration. Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, August 23rd, 2003 #370
By Chelsea Schilling
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
The world will have an extraordinary opportunity to look upon an undistorted, never-before-seen, moving 3-D portrait of a man who many think is the crucified Jesus Christ.
In just one week, graphic experts will bring to life an imprint on the holy relic known as the Shroud of Turin, believed by millions to be the burial shroud of Christ.
![]() Ray Downing of Studio Macbeth and scientist John Jackson analyze image of the Sroud of Turin (photo courtesy of the History Channel) |
The Shroud of Turin bears the full-body, back-and-front image of a crucified man that is said to closely resemble the New Testament description of the passion and death of Christ. The 14-foot cloth long has posed mysteries because of its age and its negative image of a bloodstained and battered man who had been crucified. Believers claim it to be the miraculous image of Jesus, formed as he rose from the dead.
The History Channel will air "The Real Face of Jesus?," a special two-hour event that premieres March 30 at 9 p.m. EST. It aims to bring the world as close as it has ever come to seeing what Jesus may have actually looked like.
![]() Be first to get Jerome Corsi's 'The Shroud of Codex' |
Computer graphics artist Ray Downing of Studio Macbeth used today's most sophisticated electronic tools and software in a yearlong effort to recreate the face imprint on the Shroud of Turin.
"The presence of 3-D information encoded in a 2-D image is quite unexpected, as well as unique," Downing said. "It is as if there is an instruction set inside a picture for building a sculpture."
![]() Negative image of a man's face as it appears in the Shroud of Turin (photo courtesy of the History Channel) |
He told WND some scientists debate whether 3-D information is provided in the shroud.
"It's so unusual to find this kind of information – in ancient cloths, photographs, paintings, drawings and etchings – it's so unusual that some think it's a miracle and some doubt it's even there," he said. "The people who say it's not there haven't examined it for themselves. Disbelievers disbelieve it. Believers think it's a miracle "
![]() 3-D computer image of body based on information found on the Shroud of Turin (photo: History Channel |
"There comes a time in the show where there's a climax where we actually reveal the face of Jesus," he explained. "What you'll see is a very, very close shot of Jesus in the tomb, and then he comes to life."
Downing said there are two lessons within the story of the shroud.
"There is the story of the shroud which, artistically and scientifically, is the story of a transition from two dimensional to three dimensional. But there is as well the story of the man in the shroud, and a record of His transformation from death to life," Downing observed. "The two stories are intertwined; they seem to be one and the same."
(Story continues below)
In 1978, Jackson led a team of American scientists which was given exclusive access to the Shroud of Turin for five days of intensive scientific examination. Jackson has continued his analysis of that data until the present time.
![]() Shroud of Turin |
Jackson said the shroud shows all the blood wounds that are recorded in the gospels. Among Jackson's findings he cited:
- Bloodstains on the shroud are real, and the blood has not been degraded by heat.
- Historians say the stains are consistent with crucifixion, including puncture wounds from thorns and scourge marks from a Roman whip.
- A puncture wound in the man's side is consistent with a Roman spear. And the wound marks showing nail holes through the wrists and heels are consistent with Roman crucifixion.
- A textile restorer, Mechthild Flury-Lemberg, in 2002 announced the stitching found in the material had been seen in material from only one other source: the ruins of Masada, a Jewish settlement destroyed in A.D. 74. And the herringbone weave was common in the First Century but rare in Middle Ages.
Jackson said generations upon generations of people have passed on the shroud, and much of the information about the origins of the burial cloth was not passed along with it. "So you just have a degradation of what you know about this cloth," he said. "So you have to rely upon scientific archeology of the cloth to bridge over some of that ignorance and tie things together."
The cloth is in the custody of the Vatican, which stores it in a protective chamber of inert gases in Turin's Cathedral of St. John. History reveals it was exhibited in France about 1360 by Geoffrey de Charney, a French knight who owned it then.
The Catholic Church in Turin, Italy, will exhibit the Shroud of Turin from April 10 through May 23, the fifth public exposition since 1898 and the longest in the shroud's modern history. Jackson is preparing to embark on a pilgrimage to see the Shroud from April 29 to May 6 and is inviting the public to join him.
The official website created by the Archdiocese of Turin for this year's exhibition estimates 2 million people will travel to Turin to view the shroud. Pope Benedict XVI is scheduled to visit the shroud May 2.
"The shroud is not shown every other weekend," Jackson said. "If you look at the 20th century, it was only shown four times: 1931, 1933, 1978 and 1998. That's, on average, about once every 25 years."
![]() 3-D profile of face depicted in Shroud of Turin (photo: History Channel) |
"I didn't expect the shroud to be shown again in Italy until about 2025, so about once every generation," he said. "Suddenly, we have the shroud being shown 10 years after the last time, so that's an opportunity that people might really want to consider taking because it's not going to be out next year. It may be 2035 before it's ever shown again, if you follow the averages of the last century."
Jackson has organized pilgrimages to see the shroud twice before. On his tour, he seeks to educate people about the shroud rather than simply capturing a glimpse of the cloth.
"We will bring own computer capability, and we will show just to our group what we think about the shroud in a lot of different ways," he said.
Jackson said he will explain the tablecloth hypothesis – or the idea that the shroud was the tablecloth at the Last Supper before it was used as a shroud. He'll also discuss its relevance to the resurrection and radio carbon dating, among various other topics of research.
"When we take people to the shroud, we want them to have a pretty good idea of what they're looking at so they can appreciate it more," he said. "I've been at this for 35 years and Rebecca, my wife, for 20 years. We want to take 55 years of thinking about this cloth from different perspectives and help people understand it the way we understand it."
Even after the 1978 Shroud of Turin Research Project subjected the shroud to scientific analysis, how the image was formed on the 14-foot-long linen cloth remains a subject of debate. The theory of the shroud being Christ's burial cloth took a serious blow in the late 1980s when scientists including those at an Oxford University laboratory performed the age-dating process on a fragment of the material and came up with the results that it was no older than the 13th or 14th century, more than a millennium after New Testament times.
But Jackson later reported he had convinced Prof. Christopher Ramsey, head of the Oxford University Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit, to test his hypothesis that carbon monoxide contamination could have skewed the test results by more than 1,000 years.
Ramsey later stated, "There is a lot of other evidence that suggests to many that the shroud is older than the radiocarbon dates allow and so further research is certainly needed."
![]() Computer graphics artists use Shroud of Turin images to create 3-D figure of crucified man (photo courtesy of the History Channel) |
As for the History Channel documentary, "The Real Face of Jesus?," Downing said at the end of the show viewers will see something rather exciting and unexpected.
"There's a revelation concerning the nature of the encoded information itself," Downing said. "It's a discovery that's going to be there. It doesn't disprove the shroud. It's quite the opposite. It demonstrates that the shroud image is a result of a natural process."
He added, "It witnessed an actual physical event that Christians have come to call the resurrection."
Editor's note: Readers who are interested in seeing the Shroud of Turin may call Peace Center Tours at (630)941-8057 or toll free at (800)233-0334 or e-mail for more information.
Next month we will return to the short explanations of the major religions of the world.
Chrysalis Spiritual Center
825 Mercer’s Fernery Road
DeLand, Florida
32720-2310 Information in this newsletter does not reflect the beliefs of any member of the Center. It is intended to inform for discussion and inspirational purposes only.
Articles for Flitter are welcome and may be submitted by email to Illustrations should be in jpg, gif, or Photoshop format. We reserve the right to edit for spelling, content and grammar ... and to omit text as fits our format and intent. Some quotes are from remote sources and credits will appear whenever possible.
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