The Monthly Newsletter of Chrysalis Spiritual Center
825 Mercer’s Fernery Road
DeLand, Florida 32720
Sunday Services from 10 am to 11:30 am each week
Pastor - Skuli Thorhallsson
DeLand, Florida 32720
Sunday Services from 10 am to 11:30 am each week
Pastor - Skuli Thorhallsson
For more information or counseling phone (386) 478-9201
Email questions or requests to chrysalisgarden@gmail.com
Copy this link to come back to our newsletter http://chrysalispiritualcenter.blogspot.com
(note -- the spelling consists of just one S in the name, not 2. A product of human error)
Chrysalis Spiritual Center is a Swedenborg based congregation that studies non-denominational topics based on the value of certain writings and speech to society as a whole. No denomination is excluded from meeting with us. We welcome all religions and beliefs.
This is August and Skuli is on vacation. Bill and Barry have been producing the services ... but so many people are out of pocket, they have decided to discontinue the Sunday morning service until the Sunday after Labor Day, when Skuli returns. If you are thinking of attending please call Bill 386-490-5966 in advance to make sure there is a meeting scheduled.
Email questions or requests to chrysalisgarden@gmail.com
Copy this link to come back to our newsletter http://chrysalispiritualcenter.blogspot.com
(note -- the spelling consists of just one S in the name, not 2. A product of human error)
Chrysalis Spiritual Center is a Swedenborg based congregation that studies non-denominational topics based on the value of certain writings and speech to society as a whole. No denomination is excluded from meeting with us. We welcome all religions and beliefs.
This is August and Skuli is on vacation. Bill and Barry have been producing the services ... but so many people are out of pocket, they have decided to discontinue the Sunday morning service until the Sunday after Labor Day, when Skuli returns. If you are thinking of attending please call Bill 386-490-5966 in advance to make sure there is a meeting scheduled.
As Above so below, As below so Above. --Kybalion
We are starting right off relaying this information at your request. Bill Blue forwarded the link to a PDF file containing the Kybalion, a book written by Three Initiates in the Hermetic tradition that begins thus:
"The lips of wisdom are closed, except to
the ears of understanding."
Dedicated to Hermes Tresmegistus also known as the Great Great and the Master of Masters.
Hermes Trismegistus
The Three Initiates dedicated The Kybalion to a figure by the name of Hermes Trismegistus whom they credit for this information. But the axioms really describe the intelligence and characteristics of nature, and so the source is nature itself rather than a person. Nevertheless, the figure of Hermes has become closely tied to the work. Who or what was he? Explore the myths, the legends, the stories.
The alleged teacher the magical system known as Hermeticism of which high magic and alchemy are thought to be twin branches. The name Trismegistus means thrice greatest Hermes, and is the title given by the Greeks to the Egyptian god Thoth or Tehuti, a lord of wisdom and learning.
At one time the Greeks thought two gods inseparable. Thoth governed over mystical wisdom, magic, writing and other disciplines and was associated with healing, while Hermes was the personification of universal wisdom and the patron of magic.
The myths go further. Both gods are associated with sacred writings. As scribe for the gods, Thoth was credited with all the sacred books. In various Egyptian writings he is called "twice very great" and "five times very great." Hermes is credited with writing 20,000 books by Iamblichus (ca. 250-300 BC), a Neo-platonic Syrian philosopher, and over 36,000 books by Manetho (ca. 300 BC), an Egyptian priest who wrote the history of Egypt in Greek, perhaps for Ptolemy I.
The combined myths of these gods report that both Thoth and Hermes revealed to humankind the healing arts, magic, writing, astrology, science, and philosophy. Thoth wrote the record of the weighing of the souls in the Judgment Hall of Osiris. Hermes led the souls of the dead to Hades.
The English occultist Francis Barrett in Biographia Antiqua wrote that Hermes "communicated the sum of the Abyss, and divine knowledge to all posterity"
According to legend Hermes Trismegistus is said to have provided the wisdom of light in the ancient mysteries of Egypt. "He carried an emerald, upon which was recorded all of philosophy, and the caduceus, the symbol of mystical illumination. Hermes Trismegistus vanquished Typhon, the dragon of ignorance, and mental, moral and physical perversion."
Surviving Hermes Trismegistus is the wisdom of the Hermetica, 42 books that have profoundly influenced the development of Western occultism and magic. A.G.H.
Kybalion has15 chapters with names that will be readily recognized to students of the occult and ancient wisdom.
- Hermetic Philosopy
- The Seven Hermetic Principles
- Mental Transmutation
- The All
- The Mental Universe
- The Divine Paradox
- The All in All
- The Planes of Correspondence
- Vibration
- Polarity
- Rhythm
- Causation
- Gender
- Mental Gender
- Hermetic Axioms
I already found more profundity on the the first page of the Mental Universe Chapter than in many years of searching and studying for truth. This tome definitely bears examination by anyone who wants to expand wisdom.
If you are interested in the wisdom of the Kybalion may I recommend Summum.
Very similar to the Kybalion ... but written in a more present tense with modern references and events. It goes into more detail about the task of the follower who truly wants to be absorbed into the Infinite. Explains how creation begins and continues, the duality of reality, the swing of the pendulum, vibrations and gender, the death of universes and rebirth. A must to read.
If you are interested in the wisdom of the Kybalion may I recommend Summum.

If you are in California and want to attend one of these camps, here is the information.
Six Week Course $100 preregistration
$20 per class
$5.00 at the door to audit
(Credit Cards Accepted)
Lynn Chaplin-Noe , Broadway Veteran (CABARET, COCO, HELZAPOPPIN, SUGAR, CANTERBURY TALES), has been teaching corporate Comedy Camps since 1985 to "seriously" hilarious results.
COMEDY CAMP games and improvisation exercises help to lift your spirits while shaking loose resistance, old beliefs, negative programming. Communication through comedy has also proven to be an effective positive method in conflict resolution, team dynamics, positive role playing, mediation, motivation by bringing people together and then releasing them into the Law of Laughter! And laughter is healing!
This is one of the projects originated by my sister Rev. Lynn Chaplin-Noe. She also does a counseling program called Soft Landings and a physical fitness program based on spirit, called Happen Dance.
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Rev. Lynn Chaplin-Noe |
The beauty of grace is that you receive blessings for no reason. As above, so
below. Give to others for no reason. Practice Grace. -Louise Hay
The book review of Summum has a detailed practice for meditation that includes focusing or pointing your thoughts on one object or location to filter out all the chaos in the thinking mind. There are other considerations such as, clothing, location, position, and other aids to enhance meditation.
A revelation to me was the Summum suggestion that following meditation you can release the positive energy flow into the lower vibrations and through your body with exercise. I am assuming that certain exercise would be more effective that others.(I am thinking of the Whirling Dervishes of which Rumi is the most recognized.)
Due to my age I visualize that I can stretch, pose, reach, and turn or twist to effectively utilize the benefits of meditation to my physical life. Dancing would also be very effective. Rev. Lynn teaches a dance method called "HappenDance" that not only brings up the vibration of the body, but also helps in weight loss.
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Buddy wearing his Party Animal Scarf |
We have to thank Dr. Evers from Value-Vet for his sympathetic and thorough treatment for Buddy. So many tests came back with bad news that we knew that Buddy was about to cross The Rainbow Bridge. He died Friday morning at 9am after 3 days on IV's. Buddy would have been 12 in September.
The night before Buddy passed I heard his tail wag against my bed at night as he always did. Twice I heard the thump, thump, thump and even reached out my hand to touch his nose. I turned on the light and no one was there. Buddy's body was miles away and he was in a coma.
My deepest thanks and appreciation to Bill Blue and Barry Colley. They are going to lay Buddy to rest near the garden at Chrysalis on Wednesday August 4. I know that Buddy will be blessed to be there.
A person works in a stable.
That person has a Breakthrough.
What does she do?
She returns to work in the stable.
If you have articles for this newsletter please email to chrysalisgarden@gmail.com
Seniors Need to Start Texting, Using Facebook.
If there is one clear need of seniors it is to be able to connect with their families. This is true for not just those in nursing homes, but for those in condos hundreds of miles from their closest relatives and former friends. But look…
Among those who go online, around 37 percent of adults above 50 say they use social networking sites like Facebook, according to a survey by AARP. "It connects you with your past. I'm on Facebook,” said Jim Spencer, of Northampton, Mass. Seniors are also connecting with their families via texting on their smartphones. Soon, you might start seeing text messages from grandma: "LOL did u see Jay Leno last
AT&T workers held free 20-minute sessions in West Los Angeles to demonstrate basic cellphone features to the elderly. Those who signed up in advance got schooled on how to send SMS messages, make phone calls, add and edit contacts and manipulate settings.
Verizon Wireless has held similar training sessions at senior centers. The telecom company also boasts four-dozen hearingaid-compatible cellphones and a line of simple devices with giant buttons. Last month we discussed communication via videoconferencing and promised to look into that issue come this fall. We also
need to address this issue as well.
If you have trouble figuring how to text and IM with your phone or computer, ask a kid to help you. --Nan
From Senior Stuff, the monthly electronic newsletter produced, written and edited by Ron Burgher of DeLand, FL If you want to subscribe to Senior Stuff ... it's FREE. Email delandseniorstuff@yahoo.com
Did you awaken this morning as a champion - excited
about this new day bouncing out of bed with arms
lifted high singing a joyous tune? Or did you follow
an old pattern of “oh no what now uugggghhhh….”
The way you start the day set’s the tone and energy
for living the champion life or not.
Now here’s the secret; even if you didn’t get started
as a champion, even if you have rarely lived as a
champion, you CAN change! Awesome!
Living a champion life requires living consciously,
choosing to live the champion life no matter what.
Living consciously in each moment allows you to
make decisions and take action based on what IS, and
not what you wish, or hope. Living consciously gives
you the added plus because your awareness enables
you to make the best choice in any situation.
At anytime during the day you can decide to change
your attitude from non-champion to champion. It is
not easy; it will take effort, especially if you’ve
developed a laissez faire attitude. Here are three tips
to changing your attitude to support a champion life.
First, acknowledge your feelings. Feelings are very
important; they are usually a way of checking in to
see what is out of balance. Being out of balance when
you start this process is really okay and lets you know
you’re on the path to champion living.
Second, make an agreement with yourself to change
the feeling to a champion one. Ask “what can I do
differently to support my new way of being?”
Third, honor your agreement; it might take longer
than you think, stick with it, even if something comes
along to validate the non-champion feeling.
Champions take responsibility for their life, they look
for and expect the positive and create joy from the
inside out. Living the champion life requires that you
become aware and that you live in the moment.
Inez Bracy, BS, MS, CNLP, CGC
Lifestyles Transitions Coach
Connect with her: www.facebook.com/inez.bracy
or www.InezBracy.com
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