...IT IS THE DIVINE OF THE LORD THAT MAKES HEAVEN. The angels taken collectively are called heaven, for they constitute heaven; and yet that which makes heaven in general and in particular is the Divine that goes forth from the Lord and flows into the angels and is received by them. And, as the Divine that goes forth from the Lord is the good of love and the truth of faith, the angels are angels and are heaven in the measure in which they receive good and truth from the lord. ... Heaven and Hell —Emanuel Swedenborg
One should love God mindlessly,
by this I mean that your soul ought to be
without mind or mental activities
or images or representations.
Bare your soul and all mind
And stay there without mind.
Moreover, I advise you
to let your own 'being you' sink away
and melt into
God's 'being God.'
In this way you're 'you' and God's 'his,'
will become a completely one 'my.'
And you will come to know his changeless existence
and him nameless nothingness.
from Meditations with Meister Eckhart a book
by Matthew Fox
- Catastrophobia: The Truth Behind Earth Changes Barbara Hand Clow
- Galactic Alignment: The Transformation of Consciousness According to Mayan, Egyptian and Vedic Traditions John Mayer Jenkins
- Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time: The Mayan Calendar Carl Johann Callerman
- The Orion Prophecy: Will the World be Destroyed in 2012 Patrick Geryl
- The World Cataclysm in 2012 Patrick Geryl
- When Technology Fails: A Manual for Self-Reliance and Planetary Survival Matthew Stein
- A guide to the End of the World: Everything You Never Wanted to Know Bill McGuire
- A Monument to the End of Time: Alchemy, Fulcanelli and the Great Cross Jay Weidner, Vincent Bridges
- The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time Jay Weidner, Vincent Bridges
- Mayan Cosmogenesis 2012: The True Meaning of the Maya Calendar End-Date Terrence McKenna
- The Coming Global Super-storm Whitley Strieber
- Fiture Prospects of the World According to the Bible Code Joseph Noah
- The Cosmos of Soul: A Wake-Up Call for Humanity Patricia Cory
- Coming Earth Changes: Causes and Consequences of the Approaching Pole Shift William Hutton
- Pole Shift: Predictions and Prophecies of the Ultimate Disaster John Warren White
- Crisis Preparedness Handbook: A Complete Guide to Home Storage and Physical Survival Jack a Spigarelli
These books are all available on Amazon.com More can be found under this category online. References to this subject exist in part in other books you are familiar with.
An interesting tribe of Indigenous people are the Zo. Numbering up to 25,000 they are living along Indo-Burma frontier. In India, Zous/Zos are officially recognized as one of the 29 "Scheduled Tribes" within the state of Manipur. According to the Census of India, the Zou population in Manipur (30,567 persons) is the tenth largest Scheduled Tribe population in Manipur. The unofficial estimate for the Zou/Zo population in India is around 20,000 to 25,000 (2001 Census).
If you are interested in indigenous tribes; their culture and religion go to http://zolengthe.net
According to anthropologist Robin Dunbar, it’s impossible for any of us to have more than 150 friends. The human brain literally can’t process the intimate information required to sustain more than that.
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."
A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well being. Many have reported miraculous results.
Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.
An amazingly simple technique to learn, the ability to use Reiki is not taught in the usual sense, but is transferred to the student during a Reiki class. This ability is passed on during an "attunement" given by a Reiki master and allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of "life force energy" to improve one's health and enhance the quality of life.
Its use is not dependent on one's intellectual capacity or spiritual development and therefore is available to everyone. It has been successfully taught to thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds.
While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. It has no dogma, and there is nothing you must believe in order to learn and use Reiki. In fact, ReikiReiki comes from God, many people find that using Reiki puts them more in touch with the experience of their religion rather than having only an intellectual concept of it.
While Reiki is not a religion, it is still important to live and act in a way that promotes harmony with others. Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of the Reiki system of natural healing, recommended that one practice certain simple ethical ideals to promote peace and harmony, which are nearly universal across all cultures.
The article above is from the website What is Reiki.
We have several Reiki practices in our group. Just to mention two: Paul and Ruth. Don't just expect miracles ... welcome them! All healing is natural. Without the natural ability of the physical and mental to heal, all disease or injury would be imminently fatal. We are born with a healing process already operating in, through and around us. It is our destiny to be diligent of how we avoid corrupting our systems of health and well-being -- keeping the flow of healing energy unimpeded.
Every second of every minute of every hour, of every day, of every month, of every year, of every eon ... healing energy is flowing --bringing us closer to spirit. It is the nature of spirit to give and bestow blessings and healing. Nature does not hold back. Since there is no end to source there is no need to stop or slow the great current of energy that gives life to all. This is the same energy that created All.
Creation is so full of life and love that there really is no room for despair. Doubt, despair, anger, fear and resentment all tend to cut off the natural flow of perfect love that heals. Meditation such as that from Meister Eckhart opens channels that heal the mind-body-spirit. Visualizing the truth 'that you are a perfect child of God, made in his image and likeness' reminds your creative brain (unconscious) that you are whole.
This technique also works to alleviate pain, sorrow, grief, loneliness and lack. If you are afraid of poverty, you are creating it in your thoughts (law of Attraction). "Fear not" and go about your father's business believing you are perfect and whole and that as a child of God you are entitled to unlimited blessings.
Below is a quote from the creator of Reiki on how to live an abundant life
The secret art of inviting happiness
The miraculous medicine of all diseases
Just for today, do not anger
Do not worry and be filled with gratitude
Devote yourself to your work. Be kind to people.
Every morning and evening, join your hands in prayer.
Pray these words to your heart
and chant these words with your mouth
Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind
The founder , Usui Mikao
The miraculous medicine of all diseases
Just for today, do not anger
Do not worry and be filled with gratitude
Devote yourself to your work. Be kind to people.
Every morning and evening, join your hands in prayer.
Pray these words to your heart
and chant these words with your mouth
Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind
The founder , Usui Mikao
On Giving

An excerpt from "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran
Then said a rich man, "Speak to us of Giving."
And he answered:
You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
For what are your possessions but things
you keep and guard
for fear you may need them tomorrow?
And tomorrow, what shall tomorrow
bring to the over prudent dog
burying bones in the trackless sand as he follows the
pilgrims to the holy city?
And what is fear of need but need itself?
Is not dread of thirst when your well is full,
the thirst that is unquenchable?
you keep and guard
for fear you may need them tomorrow?
And tomorrow, what shall tomorrow
bring to the over prudent dog
burying bones in the trackless sand as he follows the
pilgrims to the holy city?
And what is fear of need but need itself?
Is not dread of thirst when your well is full,
the thirst that is unquenchable?
There are those who give little
of the much which they have-
and they give it
for recognition and their hidden desire
makes their gifts unwholesome.
And there are those who have little and give it all.
These are the believers in life and the bounty of life,
and their coffer is never empty.
There are those who give with joy,
and their joy is their reward.
And there are those who give with pain,
and that pain is their baptism.
And there are those who give and know not
pain in giving, nor do they seek joy,
nor give with mindfulness of virtue:
They give as in yonder valley the myrtle
breathes its fragrance into space.
Through the hands of such as these God
speaks, and from behind their eyes
He smiles upon the earth.
of the much which they have-
and they give it
for recognition and their hidden desire
makes their gifts unwholesome.
And there are those who have little and give it all.
These are the believers in life and the bounty of life,
and their coffer is never empty.
There are those who give with joy,
and their joy is their reward.
And there are those who give with pain,
and that pain is their baptism.
And there are those who give and know not
pain in giving, nor do they seek joy,
nor give with mindfulness of virtue:
They give as in yonder valley the myrtle
breathes its fragrance into space.
Through the hands of such as these God
speaks, and from behind their eyes
He smiles upon the earth.
It is well to give when asked, but it is
better to give unasked, through understanding:
And to the open-handed the search for
one who shall receive is joy greater than giving.
And is there aught your would withhold?
All you have shall some day be given:
Therefore give now, that the season of
giving may be yours and not your inheritors`.
better to give unasked, through understanding:
And to the open-handed the search for
one who shall receive is joy greater than giving.
And is there aught your would withhold?
All you have shall some day be given:
Therefore give now, that the season of
giving may be yours and not your inheritors`.
You often say,"I would give, but only to the deserving."
The trees in your orchard say not so,
nor the flocks in your pasture.
They give that they may live,
for to with-hold is to perish.
Surely he who is worthy to receive his
days and nights, is worthy of all else from you.
And he who has deserved to drink from
the ocean of life deserves to fill his cup from your little stream.
And what desert greater shall there be,
than that, which lies in the courage and the
confidence, nay the charity, of receiving?
And who are you that men should rend
their bosom and unveil their pride,
that you may see their worth naked and their pride unabashed?
See first that you yourself deserve to be
a giver,and an instrument of giving.
The trees in your orchard say not so,
nor the flocks in your pasture.
They give that they may live,
for to with-hold is to perish.
Surely he who is worthy to receive his
days and nights, is worthy of all else from you.
And he who has deserved to drink from
the ocean of life deserves to fill his cup from your little stream.
And what desert greater shall there be,
than that, which lies in the courage and the
confidence, nay the charity, of receiving?
And who are you that men should rend
their bosom and unveil their pride,
that you may see their worth naked and their pride unabashed?
See first that you yourself deserve to be
a giver,and an instrument of giving.
For in truth it is life that gives unto life-
while you, who deem yourself a giver are but a witness.
while you, who deem yourself a giver are but a witness.
And you receivers- and you are all
receivers- assume no weight of gratitude,
lest you lay a yoke upon
yourself and upon he who gives.
Rather rise together with the giver on his gifts as on wings:
For to be over-mindful of your debt,is
to doubt his generosity who has the
free-hearted earth for mother,and God for father
receivers- assume no weight of gratitude,
lest you lay a yoke upon
yourself and upon he who gives.
Rather rise together with the giver on his gifts as on wings:
For to be over-mindful of your debt,is
to doubt his generosity who has the
free-hearted earth for mother,and God for father
Kahlil Gibran's book, published in 1923 is especially relevant and helpful
for these times and is a wonderful gift for yourself or a loved one.
"The Prophet"

Giving: Unlocking the heart of good stewardship By John Ortberg, Laurie Pederson, Judson Poling
Although I have not read either of these books I have heard a review of the Clinton book that gives it high marks. It is for sale on Amazon.com and no I am not advertising Amazon. You can also find wonderful books on Barnes and Noble and other sites, but I have my emails and blogs tied to Google which has close ties to Amazon and most of the links I find go to that site.
I have noticed that even the material available for my Kindle comes from Amazon. My advice would be to purchase a little Amazon stock here and there. Even if books become obsolete you can get the e-books from there.
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