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Another reference source is An article from that site is the last notice in this month's newsletter.
I have a friend who has had health challenges for 2 years. She recently had a relapse and I told a mutual friend that perhaps we had pushed her too hard by going shopping, and out to lunch and to other activities. She replied that was not the case and that I always made our friend laugh. Maybe someday it will be my turn and she will make me laugh.
The notice below is from a group near here. You might be interested.

We can all play the part we want in life. Don't accept anything less than what you need to make you happy. I seem to feel my best when I am with my pets and friends. I am gregarious and love to interact with other people. Being with lots of people opens up the portal for grand experiences. Everything I do is with an open mind ready to accept the blessings that spirit has carried to me in the form of other minds and hearts.
It is difficult to make every moment one of laughter, but when you do laugh you suspend time and there is no room in your mind or heart for negativity. The more laughter you can express, the more control you have over negativity.
I received an email of a baby who is ecstatic over an adult tearing a piece of paper. Every tear elicits more laughter, over and over. How I wish that every moment will be filled with such unqualified joy.
You might want to go to Yoga Laughter. Here is the information: I don't know this group and have not personally had any contact with them.
NEWS FLASH … From April 1–12, Orlando will become Laughter Central, USA, with no less than FOUR FANTASTIC EVENTS in the world of LAUGHTER FOR HEALTH! Here’s your chance to learn from "The Master" and originator of Laughter Yoga—Dr. Madan Kataria—and one of his four Master* Trainers—Jeffrey Briar—in sunny and funny Orlando, Florida!
April 1–2: CERTIFIED LAUGHTER YOGA LEADER TRAINING, presented by Master* Trainer Jeffrey Briar and ME! Jeffrey is Director of The Laughter Yoga Institute and founder of the first Laughter Club in the world outside of India to meet daily. In this two-day training, newcomers to Laughter Yoga will learn to share the benefits of laughter for health by mastering intentional laughter techniques, yogic breathing, and easy stretches, as developed by Madan Kataria, MD, “The Giggling Guru”! Receive a diploma and affiliate with national and international Laughter Yoga organizations! Refresher rates available for Certified Laughter Yoga professionals and discounts for World Laughter Tour graduates, AATH members, seniors, and more! (Flyer attached. For more info, visit
April 3–7: CERTIFIED LAUGHTER YOGA TEACHER TRAINING, presented by The Master himself, Dr. Madan Kataria! This training is for Certified Laughter Yoga Leaders who want to teach others to be Leaders, start more Laughter Clubs, and add even more laughter to their lives! (For more info, visit and
April 7–10: HUMOR, HEALTH AND HAPPINESS: A LAUGHING MATTER — The 24th Annual Conference of the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor (AATH).
Learn how humor and laughter can improve your health, your productivity, and your ability to learn—and as an added bonus, have tons of fun! Hear from THE experts in humor, laughter, positive psychology, and psychoneuroimmunology. Network with leading researchers, scholars, speakers, authors, and professionals who use the power of humor to transform their careers and their lives. Earn graduate credit through the AATH Humor Academy! Physicians, nurses, social workers, and other healthcare professionals can earn 16.26 continuing education credits or more, all the while laughing and having a blast! Dr. Kataria will be a keynote speaker at the conference and will also share an onstage “fireside chat” with Jeffrey. (Postcard attached. For more info and to register, visit April 8–12: For the FIRST time in the US!: LAUGHTER & SILENCE RETREAT, presented by Dr. Kataria! It is said that laughter deepens your silence and silence deepens your laughter. Unconditional Laughter that follows silence is very deep and intense. It comes from the diaphragm and flows like a fountain. This will help to transcend your conscious and judging mind and unfold the layers of your subconscious mind, which helps you to get in touch with your true inner self. (For more info and to register, visit
DON'T MISS OUT ... MAKE YOUR PLANS TODAY TO BE IN ORLANDO IN APRIL FOR THESE AMAZING HA HA HAPPENINGS! (And please feel welcome to spread the word by forwarding this e-mail to others who may have an interest!)
If you or anyone you know is able to adopt a dog, here is one that really touched my heart. This little dog is a German Shorthair Pointer. At one time I had one of my own, but as you know I just adopted a Vizsla and no longer have a space for the GSP. He was saved from a high kill center. Please send his photo and the contact information and help me to help him find a new forever home.
Felix is a pure bred German shorthair, came from a high kill shelter in bainbridge, Ga. He was extremely underweight but has since put on some weight. He is estimated to be 8 months old, and weighs around 40lbs. He is neutered, up to date on shots, and is on iverheart and frontline. He gets along with all size and gender of dogs. He is very smart, knows his name but is still very puppyish.
A very caring person rescued this boy, but he is certainly NOT an apartment dog.
A very caring person rescued this boy, but he is certainly NOT an apartment dog.
Patti Hoogewind
Forever Saving Angels Rescue
(352) 799-8318 (home)
(352) 650-6436 (cell)
Forever Saving Angels Rescue
(352) 799-8318 (home)
(352) 650-6436 (cell)
The Tao is infinite, eternal.
Why is it eternal?
It was never born;
thus it can never die.
Why is it infinite?
It has no desires for itself;
thus it is present for all beings.
The Master stays behind;
that is why she is ahead.
She is detached from all things;
that is why she is one with them.
Because she has let go of herself,
she is perfectly fulfilled.
The Tao is infinite, eternal.
Why is it eternal?
It was never born;
thus it can never die.
Why is it infinite?
It has no desires for itself;
thus it is present for all beings.
The Master stays behind;
that is why she is ahead.
She is detached from all things;
that is why she is one with them.
Because she has let go of herself,
she is perfectly fulfilled.
Stephen Mitchell has published a follow up to his interpretation of the Tao Te Ching called "The Second Book of the Tao. It is a new sequel to the Tao Te Ching for the modern wold ... Mitchell's flights, his paradoxes, his wonder riffs are brilliant and liverating ... What a joy, and what a gift. -- Pico Iyer
I bought a copy of this book at Barnes & Nobel and have found it available in hard back, soft cover and for Kindle on Amazon. Prices vary starting at about $5. If you have a copy, you will keep it handy as a reference and comfort in times of stress.
There was a beginning of time.
There was a time before the beginning
of time. There was a time
before the time before
the beginning of time. There is being.
If there is being, there must be
non-being. If there is non-being,
there must have been a time when even
non-being didn't exist.
Suddenly there was non-being,
But can non-being really exist,
and can being not-exist?
I just said something.
But did what I just said really
say anything, or not?
Try out if you are wanting to train your brain and improve all your mental skills. You have to pay a small fee to join, but it may be just what you are looking for.
Go to if you are looking for a pet that needs a loving home.
Stetson University has a wonderful ElderHostel program. Go to their site and look for the link. It is really amazing what is available.
Welcome to the Infinite You.
Quantum Jumping is the process of jumping into parallel dimensions, and gaining creativity, knowledge, wisdom, skills and inspiration from alternate versions of yourself.
This happens through a phenomenon known as “thought transference.” You see, although the solidity of our world seems indisputable, Quantum Theory suggests that our physical reality is nothing but a very elaborate mirage. A super-hologram of information and energy. A Matrix.
The chair you’re sitting on, your computer, your house, your car, everything that exists around you, is an illusion.
This happens through a phenomenon known as “thought transference.” You see, although the solidity of our world seems indisputable, Quantum Theory suggests that our physical reality is nothing but a very elaborate mirage. A super-hologram of information and energy. A Matrix.
The chair you’re sitting on, your computer, your house, your car, everything that exists around you, is an illusion.

The answer is that all physical matter is the result of particles vibrating at a certain frequency. A frequency that if you alter, change or amplify in any way, you change your physical and current reality.
We all know from physics class that if you increase the vibrational frequency of water particles through heat energy, you create steam and if you slow them down by removing heat energy, you create ice. And just like heat, our thoughts too are energy.
Til next month! Nan
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