with cell biologist and visionary Bruce Lipton
Bruce Lipton is on a mission to explain how our realities are created by our beliefs. “I want people to understand that we are creating this world,” he says, “that we are creating our own lives.”
The stem cell biologist inserted genetically identical stem cells into Petri dishes in a lab at Stanford University more than 20 years ago and changed the environments in the dishes. What he found was that genes deteriorated in negative environments and rallied when placed in more receptive environments.
His conclusion? Genes don’t control life. They respond to stimuli.
What that means outside the lab, Lipton says, is that what we believe shapes what happens. Change our minds, he says, and everything—from our careers to our communities—will shift.
But transformation is a complex business. “We only run our lives with our creative, conscious minds about 5 percent of the time,” he says. “Ninety-five percent of the time, our lives are controlled by the beliefs and habits that are programmed in the subconscious mind.”
Before our lives can become what we want them to be, then, we may need to reprogram our subconscious minds.
Join OdeNow and Bruce Lipton for a two-hour event in San Francisco—or livestreamed right into your living room—on Friday, June 15, and he will tell you how.
The title of the event, Spontaneous Evolution, speaks to the speed of the transformation that becomes possible once we make the shift, Lipton says.
Change your mind and change your life with Bruce Lipton on Friday, June 15, an after-work event hosted by OdeNow.
Date: June 15, 2012Time: Live event: 6:00 – 8:30 pm PDT, start online: 7:00 pm PDT*
Location: Fort Mason Center, San Francisco and online
Price: $35 live, $10 online
*For those unable to view the event live, a recorded version will be available 2-3 weeks following the event. Simply register as an online attendee and an e-mail with a link will automatically be sent to you once the presentation is posted to our website.
About Bruce Lipton
Biologist Bruce Lipton is a leading figure on the borderland between science and spirituality, best known for his pioneering studies into the idea that our beliefs affect our DNA at Stanford University and for the resulting bestseller on the subject, The Biology of Belief. Most recently, he has published Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future (and a Way to Get There from Here), which advances the controversial theory that the earth is capable of healing from the ravages of mankind and is doing so now.
What People Are Saying About Bruce Lipton’s Bestselling Biology of Belief:
“Bruce Lipton’s book is the definitive summary of the new biology and all it implies. It is magnificent, profound beyond words, and a delight to read. It synthesizes an encyclopedia of critical new information into a brilliant yet simple package. These pages contain a genuine revolution in thought and understanding, one so radical that it can change the world.”
Joseph Chilton Pearce, Ph.D.
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