Below is a partial dialogue between Chrysalis and Jose M. This all began with an idea that Jose proposed to us about 6 weeks ago. Since that time I have gotten to know Jose and there are some things I would like to tell you.
Jose is a very talented and creative man with a simple goal and desire and a dedication to reach that goal. This project did not just pop into his head. He has been building background into the workings of permaculture for years. His experience is through "hands on" participation and study. He keeps copious notes of his plans and is always seeing promise around him to apply these ancient methods -- that are having a rebirth at this time.
He is very familiar with tilling in fields, harvesting crops, tending livestock and tenderly preserving the earth's ability to heal herself and provide abundant resources. Jose has documented his quest with professional photography and video and is a great asset to Chrysalis. His vision and talent are an inspiration and I hope we all catch fire with the desire to transform the Chrysalis property with beauty and abundant love.
You can help too! Please be supportive of Jose, contributions of even the smallest nature are deeply appreciated. If you read his blog and website you will learn what it takes. (links below) Please mention our efforts to friends and interested parties who might want to donate. Remember us in your prayer circles and Sunday School classes. Include links to our Chrysalis blogs and website in your email correspondence. Share our notices with your circles and friends on FaceBook and other social media. Remember, we already have a board on Pinterest and you can join. Tools are very important, mulch and compost material will be a big help. Finally, tho we never ask anybody to donate cash at our Chrysalis meetings, this might be the time to make sure you give what you can.
In addition to Jose's work we cannot support the quality of guest speakers we have had without some income. A couple of our speakers refused payment and we appreciate that. When we get the banking problems settled we will set up a PayPal account and place donate buttons on our blogs and website. Until then, we must depend on our core group to keep our vision alive.
After your read this, please drift down the page to read Jose's letter. Thanks to each and every one of you for the extra effort you have made in the name of love. Chrysalis appreciates it and seems to be smiling when we enter the building. We are ending a beautiful year and heading into an even better one.
Chrysalis, a Swedenborg Fellowship I go to in DeLand, Florida, has giving me permission to start a food forest on the church property! I will be sharing every step of this process with you all. I will document its development with photos and video.
Right now we are studying different plants such as fruits and other perennials that will grow well in this area. Meanwhile, we are clearing the dead grasses, trees and branches. Then we cut them down for mulch and saving the hard wood for hugelkulture mounds.
The food forest will be primarily made with plants that are native to Florida. Foreign fruit trees and perennial plants that grow well in this region will also be planted to ensure a full year-round harvest of food. I will focus on making sure each plant is situated at nature intended.
This project is aimed to become a demonstration site for the local community, where people are able to learn permaculture design and principles, participate in co-creation with nature, and are able to obtain food and seeds for trade.
First things first, we are going to look at the land and see what Gaia has been up to. The property has not been trimmed or mowed in years. So nature has totally taken over the site. There is a lot that we can learn from it's natural state. We are seeking counsel from, as well are reaching out to anybody knowledgeable with Florida's flora to help identify the wild plants.
As far as design is concerned, we are contemplating a few water features; a pond or a contour damn as a water harvesting system connected with a series of swales. I really am attracted to the idea of a pond, because it can serve multiple functions; as a source of fish, possibly prawns and mussels, plants such as blueberries and asparagus can grow on the edges, and plants like American lotus can grow on the pond itself.
The plan is to spread projects like these all around our town so that in the future, if there is ever a food crisis, it wouldn't be much of a crisis because our town would have food security!
I plan on organizing a meetup style 'working group' with locals of DeLand that are interested in getting dirty by applying permaculture principles of design on their properties. Please contact me if you are interested in turning your yard into a food forest!
If you'd like to support the project at Chrysalis, please check out the wishlist below!
Wish-List Or you can DONATE and I will ensure the money goes directly to purchasing needed resources such as tools, trees, and/or other plants with long term benefits.
On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 12:43 AM, Jose Mediavilla <> wrote:
A few of my sites:
My Photography:
My Blog:
On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 9:50 AM, Chrysalis <> wrote:
Chrysalis response:
I started a new blog on Wordpress for the Chrysalis Garden projects. The address will be
can use this address in the future if you want to or create one of your
own. This is a free blogsite, but can be made dedicated for $19 a year.
We can share access to this blog when you are ready. There is nothing
in it yet. I don't even have the theme set up, just the name.
you start your blogging I might want to transfer some articles from the
"give bees a chance" blog over to your blog and close the BEE blog.
That will leave me with the
blog that I use for news, programs, articles, and announcements. I also
have a lot of graphics I can share with you on my cloud.
you join Pinterest (free) I can set you up to Pin to the Chrysalis
board with Saundra and me.) You can't Pin unless you join Pinterest.
It's fun. Get out your camera and video equipment!!!! We are depending
on you.
can always contact me by email or phone if you need anything while at
Chrysalis. I am here to help you in any way I can. We feel blessed to
have you. It seems as if Spirit has just placed you exactly where you
need to be. All the change we are going through could have been very
painful and destructive, but I consider it a blessing.
We should be ready to start your permaculture by Dec. 1, 2014
(Laugh Out Loud or Love Of Life)
(Laugh Out Loud or Love Of Life)
Nan Sherrill Smith for
Chrysalis Spiritual Center
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