Chrysalis Angel

Chrysalis Angel
Becoming an Angel is the work of humans.


Chrysalis' year begins the first Sunday after Labor Day in September. Services are held each Sunday at 10AM to 12 Noon. There will be no services held during August 2014. First meeting in the fall will be September 7, 2014.

Sunday Services from 10 am to 11:30 am each week
805 Mercer's Fernery Road
DeLand, FL (the white 2 story farm house)
Pastor - Skuli Thorhallsson

For more information or counseling phone (386) 478-9201

Email questions or requests to

Chrysalis Spiritual Center is a Swedenborg based congregation that studies non-deno
minational topics based on the value of certain writings and speech to society as a whole. Services are frequently presented by guest speakers. No denomination is excluded from meeting with us. We welcome all religions, ages, genders and beliefs.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Explanation of Light Workers

This article is from the blog of
He has a lot of varied subjects he writes about -- some very weird.

Calling all spiritual people that have been feeling unhappy these days . . . Read this Lightworker information below and clear up your confusion about what you are experiencing .

Spiritually-oriented people are experiencing very similar things in their lives lately.  This Lightworker article is written for those of you who may not yet know WHY your life is transforming right now and why things appear to be so difficult. Many spiritual people are “Lightworkers.”  Whether you are familiar with this term or not, if you find yourself fitting the lightworker description below, you are without a doubt a Lightworker!

Characteristics of Lightworkers:

  • Lightworkers don’t feel like they “fit in” with the majority of the people in the world. Lightworkers feel that that they were different from others, and misunderstood by most people (sadly, often members of their own family).
  • Lightworkers believe they are here for a divine “purpose,” even if they haven’t found out what it is yet, and this nags at Lightworkers and generates a chronic feeling of inner urgency and restlessness.
  • Lightworkers’ childhood was difficult, painful, and/or lonely.
  • Lightworkers are very compassionate, and they are always going out of their way to help others.  A lightworker’s very nature is that of a helper – often to the point where Lightworkers have trouble saying “no” to requests from people.

  • Lightworkers are empathic – meaning that Lightworkers can literally FEEL other people’s emotional states, particularly if they are in pain.
  • Lightworkers relationships are unbalanced – Lightworkers tend to attract “wounded” people who need saving and healing, and Lightworkers give, give, give. (Many Lightworkers get a little better at setting boundaries in relationships as they get older, simply because they eventually get tired of being taken advantage of over and over again.)
  • Lightworkers crave love and acceptance, yet have had a hard time finding it, and they feel discouraged from many years of relationships that just don’t work out.
  • Although Lightworkers often feel lonely, they would often rather spend time alone than hang out with people who don’t understand their true self.  Lightworkers sometimes find themselves “faking it” in social settings in order to fit in better and not be seen as “the weird one” in the room.

  • Lightworkers value peace and harmony. Lightworkers are not competitive and often don’t stick up for themselves. Lightworkers dislike arguing and fighting (it might even make them feel ill). However, Lightworkers can become very angry when they see any person or any living thing being treated cruelly or unfairly. (They even cry when they see trees being cut down.) In particular, violent treatment of children or animals makes them crazy.
  • Lightworkers’ careers involve helping people in some way, shape, or form:  medicine/healing, counseling, social work, teaching, helping animals, helping nature and the environment – anything that contributes to the well-being of humanity and the planet.  (If you are in any kind of helping profession, you are a Lightworker whether you remember your true soul origins or not.)
  • Lightworkers’ careers are also in the spiritual arena:  Lightworkers do psychic readings, read Astrology charts, practice Feng Shui, or Reiki. Lightworkers are ministers, yoga teachers, doing shamanic work, and so forth.
  • Lightworkers’ careers are in creative fields such as art, music, writing, acting, designing jewelry – anything that makes use of inspired creativity and imagination. Lightworkers may be naturally gifted in one or more areas of the creative arts.

  • Even if you are not involved in the above three career categories, you gravitate towards them as a hobby, or you volunteer for causes you believe in, and so forth.
  • Lightworkers are not as materialistic as the general population. Lightworkers don’t care about status symbols, and fancy expensive stuff – as long as they have enough money to live decently, they are satisfied.
  • Lightworkers are very sensitive and cry easily.
  • Lightworkers are not religious in the traditional sense (even if you were raised in a very religious household), yet they are deeply spiritual.

  • Lightworkers are interested in New Age topics in general, and in particular, feel drawn to any of the following: Science-fiction; ETs and UFOs; ancient civilizations such as Atlantis, Lemuria, ancient Egypt, etc
  • Lightworkers read books and/or attend lectures on New Age topics or personal-growth topics.
  • Lightworkers tend to have dreams that are very vivid and interesting.
  • Lightworkers, as young children, may have seen angels, faeries, the spirits of departed family members, or other beings of the spirit realm.  (And some of them still have this ability as adults.)

  • Lightworkers may have had other so-called “supernatural” experiences throughout their lives (received information psychically, seen UFOs, etc.). Lightworkers are not freaked out by supernatural events as many people are – in fact, they seem normal and natural to Lightworkers.
  • Lightworkers are not terrified of death like most people, because Lightworkers have a spiritual outlook on this subject, and you know that spirit lives on even after the body dies.
  • Lightworkers tend to really love music, art, nature and animals.
  • Lightworkers are drawn to natural foods, and may be vegetarian or vegan.
  • Lightworkers can be sensitive to loud sounds, strong smells and crowds.

  • Lightworkers suffer from (or are in recovery from) addictions such as alcohol and overeating. (Even if you do not fit the true definition of “addict,” you still may have a tendency to abuse certain substances.  This is an attempt to cope with or numb the psychological pain and depression you may feel at times.)
  • Lightworkers may have suffered from depression. (If you have sought psychological counseling, you may have been misdiagnosed or simply not found any real relief.)
  • Lightworkers, in general, have found it difficult to live in this world.  This planet is hard for Lightworkers to take, because there is so much violence, mindlessness, destruction, disregard for nature and all of earth’s creatures, and so forth.  Also, the rampant selfishness, deceitfulness, aggressiveness and greed in the population is disgusting to Lightworkers.
  • All their lives, Lightworkers have yearned to go Home (even if you don’t consciously remember where Home is), and they may even have thought about suicide when the pain feels overwhelming, or simply wished to die.  Some Lightworkers feel they don’t belong in this world. However, Lightworkers do know that they came to this planet to help, and as much as the weariness and sometimes loneliness of life gets here, Lightworkers are still here and still helping!)
These are some of the characteristics of Lightworkers that we have observed. If you find yourself checking “yes” to many of the characteristics on this Lightworkers list, you are indeed a Lightworker. (And if this list reminds you of anyone you know, please direct them to this article). If you fit the Lightworker profile, you have probably been experiencing certain things in your life lately such as:

  • A shrinking of your social life.  Many of your old friendships have ended for one reason or another, and you find yourself spending more and more time alone. If you are married to (or are in a relationship) with a person who is not spiritual and not a Lightworker, you may find yourself wanting to end that relationship at this time.
  • A desire to relocate, perhaps to a place you’ve never even been to or ever thought about before.
  • Feeling that you’ve lost interest in your old career, and an inner sense that there is something else you are “meant” to do, but it hasn’t revealed itself to you yet.
  • Feelings of being completely fed up, tired of your old life, and wanting massive CHANGE.
  • Sensing that something big is about to happen, and feeling like you are just waiting, waiting, waiting.
Your Fellow Lightworkers,
Diana & Doria


all seeing eye

A hard news story aired on TV last week confirms that Spider DNA has been introduced into Milk Goats DNA to encourage them to give milk that contains spider silk. Spider silk is an amazing chemical that is actually stronger than steel and very useful for hundreds of uses in industry and medicine.

The silk has to be separated from the milk by a number of purification steps and only a small amount can be harvested - but many times more than collecting from spiders themselves. It seems that if the goats suckle young, the milk is still nourishing and non-toxic.

If this astounds you -- read the list below of conspiracy theories that have been proven true! Comments welcome.

By: Michael Snyder,
The Truth.
Are you a conspiracy theorist?  If not, perhaps you should be.  Yes, there have certainly been a lot of “conspiracy theories” over the years that have turned out not to be accurate.  However, the truth is that a large number of very prominent conspiracy theories have turned out to actually be true.  So the next time that you run into some “tin foil hat wearing lunatics”, you might want to actually listen to what they have to say.  They may actually know some things that you do not.  In fact, one recent study found that “conspiracy theorists” are actually more sane than the general population.  So the next time you are tempted to dismiss someone as a “conspiracy theorist”, just remember that the one that is crazy might actually be you.  The following are 16 popular conspiracy theories that turned out to be true…

1. “They Put Cancer Viruses Into Our Vaccines”
When I first heard about this I did not believe it.  And of course not all vaccines contain cancer viruses.  But tens of millions of Americans did receive vaccines with cancer viruses in them, and now we have learned that even the CDC has admitted that this is true…
The CDC has quickly removed a page from their website, which is now cached here, admitting that more than 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine within an 8-year span when a proportion of the vaccine was contaminated with a cancer causing polyomavirus called SV40. It has been estimated that 10-30 million Americans could have received an SV40 contaminated dose of the vaccine.
SV40 is an abbreviation for Simian vacuolating virus 40 or Simian virus 40, a polyomavirus that is found in both monkeys and humans. Like other polyomaviruses, SV40 is a DNA virus that has been found to cause tumors and cancer.
2. “ATM Machines Will Someday Use Facial Recognition Technology”
According to the Daily Mail, a new generation of ATM machines is being developed that will use cutting edge facial recognition technology…
Cumbersome and slow cash machines with clunky buttons and tiny hard-to-see screens could soon be a thing of the past thanks to a range of next-generation ATMs.
Ohio-based security firm Diebold has created a touchscreen cash machine that works like a tablet computer, uses facial recognition and QR codes to identify and authenticate users, and has built-in safety cameras.
3. “The U.S. Government And Monsanto Are Teaming Up Against Opponents Of Genetically-Modified Food”
The establishment does not like those that are trying to stand in the way of genetically-modified food.  The following is from a recent Activist Post article
A shocking new investigative report from the largest daily newspaper in Germany alleges that Monsanto, the US Military and the US government have colluded to track and disrupt both anti-GMO activists and independent scientists who study the adverse effects of genetically modified food.
As revealed yesterday by Sustainable Pulse, on July 13th the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung detailed information on how the US Government “advances the interests of their corporations,” focusing on Monsanto as a prime example.
The report titled, “The Sinister Monsanto Group: ‘Agent Orange’ to Genetically Modified Corn,” described a ‘new fangled cyber war’ being waged against both eco-activists and independent scientists by supporters and former employees of Monsanto, who are described as “operationally powerful assistants” and who have taken up sometimes high-ranking posts in the US administration, regulatory authorities, and some of whom have connections deep within the military industrial establishment, including the CIA.
4. “Someday Scientists Will Be Using Millions Of Genetically-Modified Animals In Scientific Experiments”
Did you know that literally millions of genetically-modified animals are being experimented on in labs all over the globe?…
The number of genetically modified (GM) animals used in scientific research in Britain has exceeded the number of ordinary laboratory animals for the first time, according to official statistics that show a 9 per cent overall increase in the use of experimental animals last year.
Some 4,033,310 animals were used in scientific experiments started in 2012, an increase of 322,689, or 9 per cent over the previous year. There were 1.91 million scientific “procedures” used with GM animals in 2012 compared to 1.68.m procedures on normal animals.
5. “Scientists All Over The World Are Creating Extremely Bizarre Human-Animal Hybrids”
Should scientists be creating beings that are part human and part animal?  Well, it is happening all over the planet.  Just check out some of the things that a recent Slate article says is happening in labs around the world…
Not long ago, Chinese scientists embedded genes for human milk proteins into a mouse’s genome and have since created herds of humanized-milk-producing goats. Meanwhile, researchers at the University of Michigan have a method for putting a human anal sphincter into a mouse as a means of finding better treatments for fecal incontinence, and doctors are building animals with humanized immune systems to serve as subjects for new HIV vaccines.
Pretty disgusting eh?
And here are some other ways that scientists are combining humans and animals…
-Rabbit Eggs with Human Cells
-Pigs with Human Blood
-Sheep with Human Livers
-Cow Eggs with Human Cells
-Cat-Human Hybrid Proteins
For much more on this, please see my previous article entitled “Human-Animal Hybrids: Sick And Twisted Chimeras Are Being Created In Labs All Over The Planet“.
6. “Obama Is Making Government Employees Spy On One Another”
Yes, this is actually happening.  In a previous article, I described how Obama is forcing government workers to spy on the “lifestyles, attitudes and behaviors” of their fellow employees…
Federal employees and contractors are asked to pay particular attention to the lifestyles, attitudes and behaviors – like financial troubles, odd working hours or unexplained travel – of co-workers as a way to predict whether they might do “harm to the United States.” Managers of special insider threat offices will have “regular, timely, and, if possible, electronic, access” to employees’ personnel, payroll, disciplinary and “personal contact” files, as well as records of their use of classified and unclassified computer networks, polygraph results, travel reports and financial disclosure forms.
7. “Pro Wrestling Is Fake”
We have all kind of known this for a long time, right?  Well, now someone is actually leaking the results of pro wrestling matches on the Internet before they happen
A fan has provoked a furor in the world of professional wrestling after leaking the outcomes of 38 WWE matches ahead of the pay-per-view bouts.
The mystery fan, who identifies himself online as Dolphins1925, claims he has obtained the information from a source at Worldwide Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), and is revealing the results to highlight the organisation’s failure to keep its storylines confidential.
Dolphins1925 started posting the results on Reddit’s pro-wrestling forum after another fan launched a “prediction series”, asking users for their picks ahead of the matches. He has since maintained a perfect record, even leaking the results of contests involving wrestling superstars such as John Cena and The Undertaker.
8. “Someday Texas Is Going To Run Out Of Water”
Texas will always have plenty of water, right?


According to CNBC, the water crisis in some areas of Texas is rapidly reaching a breaking point…
Three straight years of blistering drought have strained Texas’ water resources. Some cities like Midland are already steeply raising their water prices. But it’s not just residents of the Lone Star State feeling parched. Texas-based companies are scrambling to reduce their water usage and enact long-term water management plans as a critical business concern.
“As the drought continues, industry’s eyes are opening,” said Jordan Furnans, senior engineer at INTERA, a Texas-based geosciences and engineering firm. Those eyes are opening to discover that more dry years are coming, he said.
There’s a desperate need for water to fuel industrial, chemical and energy operations in some parts of Texas. “If plants shut down, they’re losing millions of dollars per day,” Furnans said.
9. “The IRS Is Specifically Targeting Conservatives”
Only a small percentage of Americans would have believed this particular “conspiracy theory” last year.  But now it is all over the news.  In fact, we have just learned that applications for tax-exempt status from Tea Party groups were ordered to be sent to the only Obama political appointee at the IRS
IRS employees were ordered by their superiors–including Lois Lerner who pleaded the 5th Amendment against self-incrimination rather than testify in Congress–to send certain Tea Party tax-exemption applications to the office of the IRS’s Chief Counsel, which was headed by William Wilkins, who at that time was the only Obama political appointee at the IRS, according to a letter released today by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
“As a part of this ongoing investigation, the Committees have learned that the IRS Chief Counsel’s office in Washington, D.C. has been closely involved in some of the applications,” reads a letter released today by the House committees on Oversight and Government and Ways and Means.  “Its involvement and demands for information about political activity during the 2010 election cycle appear to have caused systematic delays in the processing of Tea Party applications.”
10. “Fluoride Is Harmful For Your Teeth”
This is a conspiracy theory that was denied for a very long time.  But now even CNN is admitting the truth…
The Department of Health and Human Services and Environmental Protection Agency are proposing the change because of an increase in fluorosis — a condition that causes spotting and streaking on children’s teeth.
11. “Using A Cell Phone Can Cause Cancer”
Can you get cancer from using a cell phone?  Well, an increasing number of studies indicate that this is actually true
At the highest exposure levels — using a mobile phone half an hour a day over a 10-year period — the study found a 40 percent increased risk of glioma brain tumors.
12. “Prescription Drugs Kill Large Numbers Of Americans”
Every single year, hundreds of thousands of Americans are killed by prescription drugs.  The following is a brief excerpt from a Vanity Fair article entitled “Deadly Medicine“…
Prescription drugs kill some 200,000 Americans every year. Will that number go up, now that most clinical trials are conducted overseas—on sick Russians, homeless Poles, and slum-dwelling Chinese—in places where regulation is virtually nonexistent, the F.D.A. doesn’t reach, and “mistakes” can end up in pauper’s graves?
13. “The Elite Want To Dramatically Reduce The Global Population”
Yes, many among the global elite really do want to substantially reduce the population of the planet.  The following quotes are from one of my previous articles
-David Rockefeller: “The negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming appallingly evident.”
-CNN Founder Ted Turner: “A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”
-Paul Ehrlich, a former science adviser to president George W. Bush and the author of “The Population Bomb”: “To our minds, the fundamental cure, reducing the scale of the human enterprise (including the size of the population) to keep its aggregate consumption within the carrying capacity of Earth is obvious but too much neglected or denied”
-Barack Obama’s primary science adviser, John P. Holdren: “The development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens additional possibilities for coercive fertility control. The capsule could be implanted at puberty and might be removable, with official permission, for a limited number of births.”
-HBO personality Bill Maher: “I’m pro-choice, I’m for assisted suicide, I’m for regular suicide, I’m for whatever gets the freeway moving – that’s what I’m for. It’s too crowded, the planet is too crowded and we need to promote death.”
14. “Innocent People Are Murdered, Skinned And Dismembered During Satanic Rituals”
Satanists really do exist, and sometimes they do really, really awful things.  The following is one recent example
Moises Meraz-Espinoza walked into the Huntington Park Police Department two years ago to report a crime: He had killed his mother.
Officers went to the Maywood apartment that the then-18-year-old factory worker shared with his mother, Amelia Espinoza, 42, and found a gruesome scene. A trail of blood led to the bathroom, where plastic covered the walls and floor. There, they found an electrical circular saw with pieces of bone, blood and flesh stuck to the blade. Nearby, in a freezer, police found skin and muscles stored in plastic bags. The woman’s skull, with all her teeth plucked out, her eyes removed and two upside-down crosses carved into the bone, was stashed in a backpack.
Prosecutors say that Meraz-Espinoza strangled his mother and then skinned, filleted and dismembered her body as part of a satanic ritual.
15. “The NSA Is Spying On Our Phone Calls, Internet Searches And Financial Transactions”
Thanks to Edward Snowden, we have learned much more about how the NSA spies on all of us.  And just this week it has come out that the NSA has no problem snooping on you if you are a friend of a friend of a friend of someone that might be a potential terrorist…
Chris Inglis, the agency’s deputy director, was one of several government representatives—including from the FBI and the office of the Director of National Intelligence—testifying before the House Judiciary Committee this morning. Most of the testimony largely echoed previous testimony by the agencies on the topic of the government’s surveillance, including a retread of the same offered examples for how the Patriot Act and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act had stopped terror events.
But Inglis’ statement was new. Analysts look “two or three hops” from terror suspects when evaluating terror activity, Inglis revealed. Previously, the limit of how surveillance was extended had been described as two hops. This meant that if the NSA were following a phone metadata or web trail from a terror suspect, it could also look at the calls from the people that suspect has spoken with—one hop. And then, the calls that second person had also spoken with—two hops. Terror suspect to person two to person three. Two hops. And now: A third hop.
16. “The Federal Reserve Is A Perpetual Debt Machine That Is Designed To Create Inflation”
The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel that was created by the bankers and that serves the interest of the bankers.  It was designed to perpetually increase the U.S. national debt and to perpetually create inflation.  Unfortunately, it has done a great job on both counts.  Since the Federal Reserve was created back in 1913, the U.S. national debt has gotten more than 5000 times larger, and the value of the U.S. dollar has fallen by more than 96 percent.
Are there any other “conspiracy theories” that you would add to this list?  Please feel free to join the discussion by posting a comment below…
About the author: Michael T. Snyder is a former Washington D.C. attorney who now publishes The Truth.  His new novel entitled “The Beginning Of The End” is now available on

Another culture's list of principles to live a fulfilled life.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Sator Square, one of the earliest known palindromes is a square that reads the same forwards, backwards, upwards and downwards, dating back as far back as 2000 years ago in the ruins of Pompeii. It's meaning has been an enigma, although scholars agree on the individual words. According to John T. Cullen, this meme could mean `God holds the plough, but you turn the furrows'.

Regular service at Chrysalis Spiritual Center 9-22-2013, 10 AM.