Chrysalis Angel

Chrysalis Angel
Becoming an Angel is the work of humans.


Chrysalis' year begins the first Sunday after Labor Day in September. Services are held each Sunday at 10AM to 12 Noon. There will be no services held during August 2014. First meeting in the fall will be September 7, 2014.

Sunday Services from 10 am to 11:30 am each week
805 Mercer's Fernery Road
DeLand, FL (the white 2 story farm house)
Pastor - Skuli Thorhallsson

For more information or counseling phone (386) 478-9201

Email questions or requests to

Chrysalis Spiritual Center is a Swedenborg based congregation that studies non-deno
minational topics based on the value of certain writings and speech to society as a whole. Services are frequently presented by guest speakers. No denomination is excluded from meeting with us. We welcome all religions, ages, genders and beliefs.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Escape From The Matrix

See How The Colonization Matrix Works… Do Not Be Further Deceived… World Planetary Ancestral Clearings Now Needed

See How The Matrix Works: If you complain, then you do not fully comprehend… if you fight, then you are not a friend… if you are bitter, then you are not tasting the heart… if you want it to end, then perhaps you haven’t yet started… if you hate, then it is indeed your fate… if you  are not present… then you cannot give nor receive any presents… if you think it doesn’t matter… you’ve thought yourself away from what does… if you act like you are special, then chances are you not… if you are sorry, then you will receive reasons to be more sorry… if you say it cannot done, then chances are you are looking the other way… if you feel you have ‘figured out a limitation is true’, then you have created another layer of the matrix, that you will need to break through…  do not be deceived… each thought… each bit of energy is creating the matrix… every commercial you watch… every breath you take… past life energy imprints are creating the matrix…

One of the ‘blind spots’ for humanity as a whole, is that we are greatly influenced by other people’s thought forms… be careful if you watch television at this time… chances are you have probably gone a little heartless and mindless in your life… it’s that bad right now…

We live the same problems over and over, because either we do not learn the lesson, or we haven’t done the energy clearing… how’s that for a big clue?

Ask all harmful energies to now leave the planet for good… when we are peace right now in this moment, the spirits who are at war, are able to tap into our peace… can you be at peace with illuminati? Yes… the question is… do you have the will to be at peace with those who are not at peace with you?  Yes… the matrix has now shifted where all peacefilled beings are aligning and are thus, creating a big advantage in creating the collective aspect of the matrix.


You have been raising awareness and this is awesome considering the circumstances… however humanity is a bit stuck when it comes to doing ancestral clearings, so old wars are happening over and over in stuck energy… In a state of neutrality… play… and I do mean “play”… balance the adult and the child… play your drum in spirit…  sing your song in spirit… live your heart in spirit.. invoke the new light in spirit… be as free in spirit as possible. There is nothing here to conquer in the higher energies, that are so much more comfortable than the heavy energies… nothing to prove to each other. We prove ourselves to our Creator, in each other’s presence, it is enough. If you want peace… prove to Creator that you are peace… if you want love.. same thing and so on… okay the kicker here… if you do ancestral clearings, the world we are desiring will come to us with full on tribal power… “bring it on” or “yawn”?

Those priests and priestesses who can bring resolution here in earth, and in the etheric world, are to bring in a new world tribe… not a new world order… be free in the light in the moment with spirit… be extra heartful of limiting thoughts… discard any energy that says “it cannot be done”… say to our Creator… Thy will be done… and so it is… when you say something cannot be done, you are in error because you cannot limit Creator… to the world we say it with deep feeling… “I forgive you… I love you… please forgive me… and thank you”… we are together in a moment where there is nothing holding us back, and yet why do the masses hold back? It is the limiting energies… release them on all levels… these profound opportunities, that shall never pass this way ever again… and neither shall we… can you feel our ancestors cheering us on to the finish line… can you see all the enemies of all time… holding hands in the circle… can you not limit the creator within those you do not resonate with? Look… you and me… we are freeing this planet after eons of slavery… let’s give ourselves a break eh? Let’s set our spirits free… it has to be real… we cannot just talk about it… we have proven to be very willful, now we look into the eyes of our Creator and say too with great presence and feeling, “I love you… please forgive me… I thank you… and you rock!”. Indian in the machine

Thank you for calling in a big ancestral planetary clearing… you don’t need a shaman or priestess to do this, though it does help greatly… just as a beginner can unclog a drain, so too can you unclog your own energy blockages, but expertise does definitely help if the house is flooding, and your energy continues to get heavier and he hmmmm?… if you need help with that, there are lots of native spirit beings amongst us, willing to assist…  
Join Facebook Group World Tribal Power Now ReturningPost resonating tribal videos, music, events, workshops, articles… sound healing, drumming, chanting, eco-communities, wise food growing, expressions of collective and individual unity spirit… ancestors, shamanism, experiments and remembrance.

See how life has become so difficult… so expensive… so many insane laws…. that is colonization.. because your ancestors could not help the natives, that is why YOU became colonized too… you were born into the colonization matrix and continued to make it stronger…. if we are done with being somebody’s colonial bitch, then we have to create another matrix… it is easy to do when you know it to be true… just like the natives of north america had their bison taken away…  the general public have had their purer food taken away… if you feel energy is not free, then that is colonization… if you are happy that someone controls you, where you do not want to control yourself, then that is colonization.

Perhaps you truly resonate with the  Red Shaman Intergalactic Ascension Missionone individual contribution by someone perhaps you, keeps the blog open for business another day for everyone.   
Indian in the machine http://www.indianinthemachine.

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